At The Mortgage Company (NI) we can offer first time and experienced landlords advice on Buy to Let mortgage products available from a comprehensive panel of lenders giving you access to a range of products aimed towards Landlords.
We have many years of experience to provide advice on the process starting from finding the right mortgage to purchase a property, through to helping you get in touch with one of our partnering Professional Rental Agents who will have a list of tenants waiting to move into the property to make it their home.
The process from start to finish, can be very time consuming and can take a lot of effort at each stage, and time can be costly. To discuss buy-to-let mortgages please follow the link to contact us and we can arrange to discuss your specific requirements and needs.
There are two types of Landlords,
A Professional Landlord is a person who may be purchasing a property for the first time to rent it out to recieve an income. This would also include Accidental Lanlords who may have a proeprty in Negative Equity and wishing to rent it out until such times the property has broke even or created a surplus.
A Consumer Landlord is a person(s) who would have in excess of 3 Buy to Lets. This person would have a slightly different criteria to adhere which we would advise on accordingly. We would ensure all the correct figures of your property portfolio is true and ensure the application is submitted correctly.
With our knowledge we can guide you through the process and ensure you are made aware of what the full process entails and costs to be aware of.
The Mortgage Company (NI) is a trading name of Tony McCormick who are an Appointed Representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, a trading name of First Complete Limited. First Complete Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
The guidance contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK Authority.
We offer free mortgage advice although on submission of an application this firm usually charges a fee. The amount of the fee will depend upon your circumstances and will be discussed and agreed with you at the earliest opportunity.
Most Buy-to-Let mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
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